"It is essential that philosophy overcome that which has benighted it. The common critique of language, one which centers the relativist theoretical system, is focused upon two objects that are often conflated: identity and representation. In truth, identity and representation have a triangular relationship with the proposition, each determined by their presentness. In materialism it is always paramount that we return to the present and in doing so get back to the matter of a given state of affairs. A proposition refers to an identity, and this identity occurs as an event with more or less accurate fidelity to the proposition. This relationship inheres whatever the syntax or grammar of the statement; it is the concrete context of 'truth-value' in the logical sense. The representation also relates to the proposition in this elliptical way, it is an image with no relationship to the concrete context of the proposition. An image as representation has value only in its potential to be imagined. Thus the proposition relates with its representation with a degree of sensibility. What is most often mistaken in the critique of language is the relation between representation and identity. For the materialist identity is immanently differential, in the sense that an identity is simply the metastable value of a series of identities transforming over time. As such the representation as a potential has a probabilistic character in relation to the identity. A representation that lacks sense at one time may be actualized in the future through a transformation of identity. For instance in early science it was proposed that we inhabited an Earth centered universe. Innumerable complex mathematical explanations were produced to describe the movement of celestial bodies, these formed a field of representational images with a probable degree of actualization. As the truth of this observation degraded, new propositions generated new representations (with varying degrees of sensibility in relation to the proposition). Eventually the sensibility will give way to new representations as former images degrade into non-sense or actualize as objective sensual events. This is what is meant when Deleuze differentiates between the virtual and the actual; matter exists as a singular state of affairs which occur as an event, and have a concrete existence in the present. The representation has a probability of actualization, which relates it with actuality over time, disallowing the representation to ever be a representation in the conventional idealist sense of the word. Language as such always carries with it a substantive relation to the world. It is not the world itself, and like any other means of relating, is constitutive of the peculiar embeddedness of humans in reality. It is counter productive for the materialist to treat language in a privileged way, as all characteristics of reality must be simultaneously differentiated by analysis but also synthesized into the whole."
While this excerpt focuses upon language, this analysis may easily extend to the entirety of human objective relations. Human activity operates upon an imaging and a contextual evaluation; the act constitutes its meaning over time through the future relation between the act in itself, and its relation to the imagining of the act's effect and value. The virtual and actual are the relation between the probable actualization of the imaginary and invisible with the concrete complex of objective sense, which determine future complexes of objects and relay with the sensibility of the image. Obviously there is a third element, which is signification; but this cannot be addressed until I evaluate history, symbol and the internal-external character of the object. Which I will post soon.
While this excerpt focuses upon language, this analysis may easily extend to the entirety of human objective relations. Human activity operates upon an imaging and a contextual evaluation; the act constitutes its meaning over time through the future relation between the act in itself, and its relation to the imagining of the act's effect and value. The virtual and actual are the relation between the probable actualization of the imaginary and invisible with the concrete complex of objective sense, which determine future complexes of objects and relay with the sensibility of the image. Obviously there is a third element, which is signification; but this cannot be addressed until I evaluate history, symbol and the internal-external character of the object. Which I will post soon.
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